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About Us

The Society of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) is a growing national nonprofit association of women involved or interested in environmental science, engineering, law, policy, and business. Our Philadelphia Chapter was formed in 1995 and serves as a resource for members in the Philadelphia region, providing opportunities for professional development through educational programming, social events, mentoring, and public service.

Our membership is composed of a diverse and dynamic network of professionals who regularly come together to share their knowledge and work experiences and to promote the professional development and achievement of women in the environmental field. We strive to exceed the expectations of our members and to be an invaluable part of their professional development while serving an important role in the Philadelphia environmental community.

Anyone is welcome to attend our events, programs, and meetings, and we hope that you'll consider becoming a member to take full advantage of all that our organization has to offer!

Contact us at

Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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