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SWEP is unable to refund registration fees – if you are unable to attend, you may either send a colleague/peer in your spot or your registration will be donated to our Scholarship Fund.
Site Tour and the Story Behind the Evolution from Brownfield to World Class Industrial Complex
USS Real Estate | 1 Ben Fairless Drive, Fairless Hills PA
Thursday August 11, 2016 from 3pm-6pm
Dennis Jones, Regional Manager US Steel
Phil Eastman, Economic and Business Development PECO
Jack Thompson, Covanta Metals Management
Sanchin Shanker, P.E., PADEP
3:00 pm Registration starts for bus tour
3:30 pm Site Tour: Bus tour of the 2,500 acre Site
4:15 pm Registration starts for networking & presentations
4:30 pm Networking
5:00 pm Presentations
6:00 pm Site Tour: Repeat of earlier tour for guests who arrive later
If you want to learn more about brownfield development, or the possibilities at this site, please join us.
Click HERE to register
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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)