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SWEP is unable to refund registration fees – if you are unable to attend, you may either send a colleague/peer in your spot or your registration will be donated to our Scholarship Fund.
This course will present the current drivers and challenges to brownfields redevelopment projects. The morning session will focus on providing a regulatory update on issues affecting redevelopment projects; status on the LSRP program and the impact on brownfields projects; case studies of pre-development activities including site selection, marketing and zoning/infrastructure and how upfront planning is vital to engaging the multiple stakeholders of redevelopment projects for successful outcomes.
The afternoon session will highlight the latest project funding resources and experiences involving federal, state, and private equity perspectives. The challenges of integrating development and remediation will be explored. Specifically, clean fill requirements, demolition and material reuse, stormwater management and use of innovative remedial technologies will be discussed.
You will hear from a variety of stakeholders and gain an understanding on their perspectives in the multi-faceted redevelopment process.
For more information and to register - click HERE
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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)