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EarthFest 2018

  • 04/20/2018
  • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Philadelphia, PA

EarthFest 2018 is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jeffrey Featherstone, whose vision, guidance and leadership helped create an outdoor, educational experience for the next generation of leaders.

How do you plan on celebrating Earth Day this year?

Do you know how technology is helping planners create more sustainable communities? Do you know how you can help protect endangered wildlife? Do you know how organizations throughout the region are studying how to prevent flooding and improve the water that you use every day?

EarthFest is an outdoor educational celebration of Earth Day where the answers to so many questions about the environment, sustainability, healthy lifestyles, and protecting and preserving the planet are just an exploration away!

About EarthFest

Hosted by Temple University Ambler, the mission of EarthFest is to promote environmental awareness using sustainable concepts, methods and practices to protect and preserve our environment. Organizations, businesses, students of all ages and individuals demonstrate sustainable concepts and technologies, and provide interactive educational displays, activities and much more!

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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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