Join us!
SWEP is unable to refund registration fees – if you are unable to attend, you may either send a colleague/peer in your spot or your registration will be donated to our Scholarship Fund.
SWEP of Greater Philadelphia is pleased to announce that its 2018 Touchstone Award Reception will be held on Thursday, November 8th at the historic Phoenixville Foundry and Heritage Center.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available.
This year we have new options for sponsors, including the Platinum, Friends, In-Kind, and Carbon Offset levels! Please visit our website for information or download the Sponsorship Benefits form.
Once you have registered as a sponsor, you will receive a code for attendee registration. Contact SWEP for details.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Proceeds from this event help fund the
Annual Scholarship & Grants Program.
Image courtesy of the Phoenixville Foundry's website
Contact us at
Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)