Join us!
SWEP is unable to refund registration fees – if you are unable to attend, you may either send a colleague/peer in your spot or your registration will be donated to our Scholarship Fund.
Urban Engineers, lead engineers for the Rail Park, a new one-of-a-kind park in Philadelphia, will be our guides. They will take us through this project from conception, to design, to construction, to the ribbon cutting. We will take a guided tour of Phase 1 of this multi-phase project to convert three miles of unused rail lines into a state-of-the-art recreational facility just north of Center City. The end-state vision is to create a greenway that will serve Philadelphia's pedestrians, bicyclists, neighbors, and visitors alike!
Meeting Location: Broad & Noble Street Entrance
Cost: $20 (members)/$25 (non-members)
RSVP: Monday, May 13, 2019 via online registration
Event Contact: Jennifer Waters, Urban Engineers/SWEP Scholarship & Grants Committee Chair
Contact us at
Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)