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SWEP GP Lunch and Learn -
Restoring Migratory Fish Passage on the Raritan River, New Jersey - A 30 Year Endeavor
Join SWEP GP on June 23rd for a virtual lunch and learn. Mr. John Jengo with Stantec Consulting Company, Inc., will be presenting a case study that will review the planning, permitting, and execution of the complex Robert Street Dam removal, which was part of the first phase of four dam removals to restore natural, free-flowing conditions in New Jersey’s largest watershed and longest interior river system after more than a century of obstruction.
Presenter: John Jengo, PG, LSRP Date & Time: Thursday, June 23rd, 2022 @ 12:00PMCost: Free for Members (Member benefit), $10* for Non-Members
Presenter Bio: John W. Jengo, PG, LSRP is a licensed Professional Geologist in several Northeastern and Southeastern states and a Licensed Site Remediation Professional in New Jersey, who works as a Principal Hydrogeologist in the Stantec Consulting Company Inc.’s West Chester office in southeastern Pennsylvania. He has degrees in geology from Rutgers University (B.S. 1980) and the University of Delaware (M.S. 1982). He has worked as a professional geologist for 40 years and beginning in 1992, he directed and conducted the characterization and remediation of large, complex contaminated industrial sites throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, including at three of the seven refineries in the Delaware Valley in addition to other chemical and manufacturing sites. For the past 18 years, he has worked with various clients and Federal and State Trustees on voluntary Natural Resource Damage (NRD) settlements for those contaminated sites, including several groundbreaking legal settlements to remove numerous low head dams on the Raritan and Millstone Rivers in central New Jersey to restore historically significant migratory fish spawning runs.
*Proceeds, less any credit card fees, will go to our Scholarship and Grant Program. To make an additional donation to this beneficial program please go to
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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)