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Golf Skills Clinic and Networking Event

  • 08/04/2022
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Walnut Lane Golf Club, Philadelphia, PA


Registration is closed

Join SWEP GP for a fun afternoon of Networking while brushing up on your Golf Skills.

Looking for an excuse to get outside?
Want to get in some in-person networking with your peers?
Golf game feeling a little rusty and you want to brush up on your skills?
Never played golf and want to learn some basic skills?

Then SWEP GP has just the event for you! 

Golf is a great social skill for sales people and SWEP GP recognizes that not everyone has this skill. To benefit members and non-members alike we are hosting a Golf Skills Clinic and Networking Event on August 4th.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or brand new to the sport this is a great opportunity to get together with your peers and have a fun afternoon networking and brushing off the cobwebs or learning something new.

Enjoy hands-on learning with a rotation of 30-minute golfing instruction between three different stations with the Pros.  The training stations will include:

  • Driving Range Instruction & Practice
  • Putting & Chipping
  • Course Management & Rules

Following the training portion, stay for the casual reception where you can enjoy non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, and networking time.

All skill levels are encouraged to join us for this fun event to raise money for education, catch up with colleagues, and get some tips from the Pros!

When: August 4th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, with a rain date of August 18th
Where: Walnut Lane Golf Club, 800 Walnut Lane, Philadelphia

For questions on the event please contact the Programs Committee at

Note: Attendance at in-person events is at the attendees’ own discretion and risk.  SWEP will require COVID-19 policies based federal, state, or local authority guidelines in place at the time of the event date.  Vaccination and masking are recommended, regardless of any formal requirements.

Contact us at

Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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