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Junior Achievement Career Speaker Event

  • 11/15/2022
  • 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Philadelphia Military Academy 2118 N 13th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19122

Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania is looking for volunteers to present at the Career Speaker Event at the Philadelphia Military Academy on November 15th from 7:30am-10:30am.

JA is looking forward to being back in classrooms as the school year begins and is excited to share that we have an in-person career speaker event this fall. The JA team is bringing together a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, industries, and career levels to share their education and career journey with a group of high school students. 

Would you consider volunteering on behalf of SWEP and/or your own company? 

Volunteers will be asked to share their education, career, and life experience with students as a career speaker. They can bring visual aids or materials while presenting. There will be a JA-led volunteer orientation ahead of the event.

For more information or to register as a volunteer, contact:

Annie Blankemeyer | Program Manager

Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania 

Proudly serving Greater Philadelphia, Berks County, and the Lehigh Valley

O: 610.263.2425 | M: 215.498.8133 |

Contact us at

Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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