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Introduction to Ableism with the Disability Network Southwest Michigan

  • 12/02/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual Event- ZOOM

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Introduction to Ableism

Ableism . . . A common form of disability discrimination

There is no question we live in an ableist world. In its simplest form, ableism is the belief system that tells us it is better to be nondisabled than it is to be disabled. Ableism also examines disability discrimination on a systemic level by looking at the ways our society designs physically and socially segregated systems. Most people are unaware they are being ableist, or that it even exists. Unless you are a person with a disability, or closely connected to someone with a disability, you likely go about your business giving little thought to how your actions, language and attitudes may impact people with disabilities. Join us as we discuss and dismantle harmful cultural ideas around disability. 

At this workshop you will have the opportunity to:

• Explore how the language we use around disability is a key component to supporting equality or perpetuating stigma

• Identify and challenge your own unconscious bias around disability

• Learn how to support the disability rights and disability justice community 

* There is no fee for this event- please share with your co-workers!+


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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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