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A&WMA Presents: PADEP Regulatory Breakfast

  • 01/18/2013
  • 10:30 AM
  • 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401

Less than a week remains until the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Regulatory Update Breakfast.  Mr. Cosmo Servidio (PADEP's new Southeast Regional Director) wil be headlining this event.  He will be presenting an overview of the Region.  In addition to the overview given by the Regional Director, specific program regulatory updates will be given by Mr. Jim Rebarchak (Air Quality) and Mr. Jim Wentzel, P.E. (Waste Management).


Don't miss out on this exclusive and timely opportunity to stay informed and stay ahead of key regulatory issues!  The meeting will be held on


FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013 from 9:00-10:30 a.m.


The event will be held at PADEP's Southeast Regional Office at:
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401

One last thing to mention: A hot breakfast will be served.


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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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