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SWEP is unable to refund registration fees – if you are unable to attend, you may either send a colleague/peer in your spot or your registration will be donated to our Scholarship Fund.

Attending the 2013 National Brownfield Conference?

  • 05/15/2013
  • 05/17/2013
  • Atlanta, GA


Registration is closed

Are you planning to attend the 2013 National Brownfield Conference in Atlanta, GA May 15-17? 


If so, please let us know by filling in a registration form! SWEP of Greater Philadelphia will use your response to determine whether to host  a networking reception with other SWEP Chapters during the conference. Please also let us know whether you are willing to help plan the reception.

Contact us at

Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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