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2023 Scholarship Awardees

01/12/2024 12:33 PM | Laurel Klein (Administrator)

Rachel Roday

Rachel is currently in the final year of her Master's of Science in Marine BioSciences at the University of Delaware.

Ms. Roday embarked on her master's program following the completion of two B.S. degrees in Marine Science and Biology in just four years, all while being part of UDEL's Honors Program. For her graduate research, Rachel is involved in an exciting project, tagging American shad in the Brandywine River with acoustic transmitters and tracking their movements in the Delaware River and Atlantic Ocean to determine their habitat use post-dam removal. Her work has a real impact as she communicates her findings to various stakeholders, including local anglers, Delaware residents, state agencies (DNREC), and non-profit organizations (BRRT).

Kisha Grady

Kisha is currently pursuing her doctorate in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her passion lies in tackling pressing public health issues affecting underrepresented workers, especially laborers and workers of color, both in public and private sectors. Kisha's research spotlights the environmental injustice of beauty standards among women of color. Her work promises to bring about essential change in this critical area.

Alongside her academic journey, Mrs. Grady manages two vital Health and Safety programs at Temple University: Safety Training and Respiratory Protection.

Janelle Edwards

Janelle is in her final year of her doctoral program in Public Health at Drexel University's Dornsife School of Public Health. 

Currently, Janelle is leading two impactful research projects, investigating the links between primary care utilization and extreme temperatures, as well as morbidity patterns in Philadelphia. Her work promises to make a significant difference in our understanding of these critical issues. Upon completing her doctoral degree, Ms. Edwards’ overarching goal is to advocate for the incorporation of an indicator of structural racism into social vulnerability indices, which inform climate preparedness policies.

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Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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