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SWEP Touchstone Award Reception

  • 11/03/2016
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Franklin Commons - Phoenixville, PA


  • Discounted registration prior to October 21, 2016
  • Registrations prior to Oct 21, 2016
  • Several of the level sponsorship and In-Kind Sponsorships include attendance at the event. Please use the code given to your company to register for the No Charge attendance.
  • Still accepting some late registrations for dinner - chicken only entree (beef or pork not available).

Registration is closed

SWEP of Greater Philadelphia is pleased to announce that the 2016 Touchstone Award Reception will be held at Franklin Commons in Phoenixville, PA on Thursday November 3, 2016.

Franklin Commons has a rich century old history as an industrial site, which has been recently renovated into a beautiful art and educational facility. Come see how this former brownfield site was transformed through environmental remediation into a vibrant facility for the surrounding community.


As always, there will be plenty of time for reconnecting with friends and colleagues and networking with new ones over cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and dinner. Prepare to be inspired on this remarkable evening. The schedule for the evening is:

  • 6:00pm-7:00pm   Open Happy Hour (featuring the Signature Cocktail) & Networking with hors d’oeuvres
  • 7:00pm-8:30pm   Sit-down Dinner, Keynote Speaker and Touchstone Award
  • 8:30pm-9:00pm   Event conclusion, dessert table and Post-Event networking

SWEP also encourages you to consider sponsoring this incredible and extremely well-attended event.  The many sponsorship levels available include Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and In-Kind Sponsorships.


Online Registration is now available! Early bird pricing is currently available only until October 21st – so register early to save! Registration closes NLT October 27th to attend this event -- all food orders must be placed by then so no later registrations will be accepted! 

Contact us at

Image Credit: Philadelphia from the South Street Bridge by Mike Boening Photography via photopin (license)

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